
A great example of a successful project! 🤩 Last spring, in cooperation with Kohtla-Jarve City Government, we organized an innovation competition and as a result, kindergarten Karuke is the first in Estonia to use an electricity-generating wall! ⚡

Kevin Kuusik, the head of Go Vertic, a green technology startup that won the competition, recognizes the city of Kohtla-Järve and Tehnopol for foreseeing the energy crisis last spring. “We were one of the winners of the spring innovation round and we are pleased to announce that we have recently received a subscription agreement from Eesti Energia, and we added the plug to the wall on Tuesday. The electric current is flowing and the wall is producing, ”said Kuusik. “We need tension in the wall, not in society.” 🙌

Olga Kurdovskaja, the coordinator of the innovation competition in Ida-Virumaa and head of the Narva Startup Incubator, emphasized that Tehnopol’s goal is to contribute to world-changing innovation and technology entrepreneurship. “That’s why we’ve set up innovation funds to boost ideas that make the environment better for us,” she said. 🤜✨🤛

Read the whole article in Geenius portal! (in Estonian)

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